Monday, 10 June 2013

Different Network Technologies

Different Network Technologies

Bus is a network topology is generally used in Local Area Network. The bus topology consist of single cable that carries all the traffic passing through. The entire nodes are attached to a single leaner cable. The nodes can be workstations, server and other devices. In a bus topology if data is sent, it will then travel through the backbone line until it finds the right MAC or IP address. If the machines do not match the intended address for the data then it will reject the data until it find the right machine where the data has to be sent. The drawback of this topology is if there is a fault in central lines, then the whole network will eventually go down.


Another network topology and the reason why it’s called star, is because the layout is identical as a star. A star topology is one of the most commonly used networks set up in homes, offices or building. All the computer in the star topologies is connected to the central device such hub, switch or router and if it receives any message it tends to broadcast to all the computers. The good thing about such topology is when a single system fails; it won't affect the other but if the hub fails then the entire network will go down.


A ring topology is a network within which all computers are connected in a circle. Each computer in ring topology is attached in one single path. Ring topologies use token ring in order to send the data from one machine to another until it ends up where it started. Each node in the ring has a unique address for each computer in the ring which means if the data is sent it will deliver the data to the correct computer that have been requested. The purpose of having node in the ring topology is to handle every data packets that have been sent. There are nodes in the ring topology which means if a data is sent then the data will go from one node to the next node in a circle which means the data will flow in a single direction. In the Ring topology, if one computer goes down, the whole topology will go down too.


Another network topology where each of the nodes is interconnected with each other as shown in the above picture. In mesh topology, if one of the connections goes down, nothing will happen and the transmitting of data will still carry. Such topology is a lot expensive and complicated and it’s not largely used for most of the networks available. However, this topology is usually utilised for wireless network due to its complexity.


A network topology with a combination of Bus and Star network topologies. The structure of such topology is identified to a tree therefore it facilitates users to have numerous servers on the actual network. In addition to that, you can divide the network in various ways. This topology is commonly used in colleges and schools as each of the divided parts can recognise related systems in their own network and nevertheless connected to the largest network in some way.


A similar to tree topology which has combinations of two network topology. This topology connects network part by linking the features of two or more network topology such as bus, star, ring and token ring. The purpose of such topology is to keep up consistency for different task. This particular topology is much more reliable than others as it professionally can identify faults and isolate them as quickly as possible.



Routers are designed to handle the paths along which the data is transmitted within a network. Routers are significant piece and essentials for an easy communication between the internet and the computer. The internet data are transmitted through TCP/IP Protocols which are created to communicate data. As soon as the data is transferred, it tends to divide the data into packet therefore the router is configured to direct these data packet to its intended destination through best possible route.


An essential piece hardware as it is designed to accelerate thing up. Switches facilitate different computer on a network to communicate directly with one another in a smooth and in a professional manner. The switches main job is to filter and forward data packets among LAN section. It functions at layer 2 of the OSI model. The switch doesn’t look at IP address information however, it only looks for Ethernet MAC addresses and keeps a table of all MAC addresses passing through the switch. The reason why the switch is considered as “clever” is because it just transmits data to the device that are destined for that which saves bandwidth. In the other hand, the hub is considered as “dumb” because it broadcasts the data to every device connected and that technique causes more collision to occur.


NIC stands for Network Interface Card that is attached in PC so it can allow the connection to a network. It is used in LAN transmission technology such as token ring or Ethernet, enabling a system to connect to and communicated via a network. Network Interface Card provides full time connection to a network. Most hone and portable computer connects to the internet via dial up connection.


Computer servers are used to store, retrieve and transfer files and data to another location on its network or the internet. The server is designed to carry multiple tasks therefore they have additional processing power and storage capacity in order to handle loads of users that utilises the network. There are various types of server designed such as web server, print server, file server, database server and so on so forth.


A proxy is a device that acts as a server. It is located between a client application (web browser) and an actual server. It intercepts every single request to the actual server in order to see if it can complete the request itself. If not successful then it forwards the request to the actual server.


A repeater is a device that is used in the network in order to regenerate or duplicate a signal. The repeater is mostly used in communication systems to regenerate digital or analogue signals distorted by transmission loss. Analogue repeater frequently can make the signal stronger while digital repeaters can rebuild signal almost identical as the actual quality.


The bridge is also a device designed to be used in the network. The bridge is designed to connect two parts of a network together at the data link layer of the OSI model. Bridges functions in the same as the switch does however, the data traffics are handled in a different way. A bridge itself will only transmit traffic from one side to the other if it is going to a destination on the other side.



TCP stands for transmission control protocol and IP stands for internet protocol. TCP/IP is very important part of the internet and it's composite. LAN, WAN and other network types utilises such protocol as its ability to transmit packets from any computer system, regardless of network uniqueness and operating system differences. It provides a communication service at an intermediate level between an application program. This can also be used as an intranet or a private network and when you would like to set up a direct access to the internet, the computer is offered with a copy of the TCP/IP program similar to any other computer which may send to or else get information from as well as a copy of TCP/IP. Because of TCP/IP, the users can connect to other users and create communication such as send, receive and shared information throughout.


SNMP stands for Simple Network Management Protocol which is a set of protocols for complex network which works by sending messages to different parts of the network. Devices like router, server, switches, workstation printers modems other are able to support SNMP protocol. The SNMP makes easy of the exchange of management information between network devices. SNMP allows network managers to handle network performance which includes finding and resolving network problems that may occur time to time.


The IPv4 stand for Internet Protocol Version 4 which is the fourth modification of the first internet protocol. IPv4 is used to recognise devices on a network through an addressing system. It is the most commonly deployed internet protocol used to connect devices to the internet.


The IPv6 is the sixth medications and the latest version of internet protocol. This internet protocol enables more users and devices to communicate on the internet by using a greater number to produce IP addresses. The IPv6 is also known as the next generation internet because of its greater capabilities as well as its expansion through large scale use.


DNS stand for Domain Name System which is a naming system for services and computer. The DNS is mainly responsible to link a variety of information with domain names allocated to each of the individuals. The main profession of DNS is the translation human language into a form of binary.


ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol which is an intent net protocol and mainly it is used to convert an IP address into a physical address such as Ethernet address. For example a host requiring getting a physical address it tends to transmit an ARP request onto the TCP/IP network. The host on the network that has the IP address in the request then responds with its physical address.


IPX stand for Internetwork Packet Exchange and it is a protocol used to connect networks by operating systems such as the Novell’s NetWare. The IPX is known as connectionless, which means it doesn’t require connections to be maintained throughout the exchange of packets. It can just pick up where it left off when a connection is down.

Network O/S

Windows Server 2008

From what I have researched, the Windows Server 2008 seems to be the second line of operating system due to recent Windows Server released by Microsoft. The windows server is designed from the same code as compared to Windows Vista. As a result, it shares most of the similar functions as well as design. Due to the similar code, it automatically comes with most of the security features and administrative functions and features new to Windows Vista such as the installation, monitoring, improved GUI and based installation so on and so forth.

Linux Mandriva

A Linux Mandriva operating system is available for individual and business for free. As Linux Mandriva operating system is stable and secure, it’s great for storing massive database of information. Linux is based on UNIX which is still used currently just to run the internet. Linux is used both to run parts of the internet and run a small and large network of offices and homes. Security wise the Linux is much stronger than windows and does not require an antivirus to be installed. Linux is seamless for old PCs with hardly any processing power or memory.

Novell NetWare

A Novell Netware is a network operating system which is used to provide applications, files and peripheral network services to computers. Novell Netware operating system is extremely powerful however, the downside is that the operating system is based on difficult command strings and utilities. Netware identifies the top five layers of the OSI model and runs on virtually any media access protocol.

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